Located in Sydney Australia, StudiOh! is an independent publisher of art, design and popular culture titles. Its initial publishing list has focused on books for Graham Rendoth, a visual artist. Several of his books have now been produced, including limited editions.

With partner Reno Design, we have an extensive 30-year knowledge of publishing with hundreds of independent authors, publishing firms and organisations. We advise on traditional print projects, print-on-demand (POD), short-run and prestige editions on a fee-for-service basis.

Services include graphic design, brand, print management, web design and bibliographic registration (eg. ISBN, barcodes). Through our broad network of creative associates we provide writing, editing, indexing, marketing, illustration, photography and packaging services. For Australian clients we advise on local book distribution.

While StudiOh! is not currently in a position to fund publishing projects, we are happy to consider co-productions and publishing projects where our StudiOh! imprint may be used to put a perceived distance between an author and their book. 

Let's begin to make your book experience a practical and pleasant one.